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GATES Evening talk - Mediated spatial futures: the political mobilization of architecture in the age of social media


Le 18 juin 2024

Evening talk Gates - Nina Alaily-Mattar 18 juin 2024

As part of the GATES project, an evening talk will be presented by Nina ALAILY-MATTAR, Researcher and lecturer of the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and MaCI Senior Research Fellow.

State-commissioned spatial futures are not altogether new, however, in the age of social media, they are afforded a distinctive momentum by the combination of audio, visual, and textual materials. This presentation shares the findings of research about the case study The Line, a futuristic urban project planned in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Despite - perhaps because of - their fantastical character, the materials of The Line can be understood as constitutive interventions in reality and ones that can have significant and material social implications in the present.



Le 18 juin 2024
Complément date

5 pm - 6 pm (followed by a cocktail)


Complément lieu

Maison de la Création et de l'Innovation
Meeting Room 204
Station Gabriel Fauré - MUSE


Admission on registration

Contact (humanitiesfellowships[at]univ-grenoble-alpes[dot]fr)

Publié le 5 juin 2024

Mis à jour le 6 juin 2024