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Tefera JIMMA


JIMMA Tefera

received his Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Queensland, Australia. He is currently an associate professor of Curriculum and Instruction at IER, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia. He is an expert in curriculum, pedagogies, assessment, and evaluation in higher education. He participated as a research team member in the study and development of the Ethiopian Higher Education Roadmap. Also, he held the positions of Fulbright Scholar and Humboldt Senior Research Fellow.

Project at the MaCI

University Students' Health, Well-Being, and Education in Ethiopia: A Comparative, Multilevel Analysis of Individual and Contextual Factors

April - November 2024

This research aims to create a multilevel, theory-driven model to understand the factors affecting Ethiopian university students' health, well-being, and education, identifying demographic and contextual differences.

The study uses a concurrent-mixed-methods approach, incorporating sociocultural, ecological system, and SCCT theories, to examine health, well-being, and education in a social context, emphasizing the interdependence of individual and contextual systems.

The study participants include undergraduate students in the public universities in Ethiopia. Multi-stage sampling will be used to select the participating universities and their undergraduate students.

To analyse the qualitative data, a constant comparative method and cross-case analysis will be used. Also, the quantitative data collected will be analysed using SPSS and Stata 17 software at four levels: descriptive statistics, group comparison tests, bivariate and partial correlation analyses, and multilevel analysis.

'This Fellowship, in the International Excellence in the Humanities Programme, is a multifaceted opportunity that offers substantial professional, academic, and personal benefits. By pursuing this fellowship, I anticipate advancing my career, making significant contributions to the fields, and influencing the higher education research communities. The objectives of this fellowship, which emphasize research, networking, skill development, and societal contributions, are in line with my motivations.'

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Funded by the French government's Programme d'Investissement Avenir and implemented by ANR France 2030

Contact (tefera[dot]tadesse[at]aau[dot]edu[dot]et)

Publié le 11 juin 2024

Mis à jour le 8 janvier 2025