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The GATES project (Grenoble ATtractiveness and ExcellenceS) is an initiative launched within the framework of the France 2030 plan through the 4th Future Investments Programme. It aims to increase the visibility and attractiveness of the UGA. By leveraging its links with the major research and teaching facilities on Grenoble, the UGA has obtained €27.6m in funding from the ANR (National Research Agency), the France 2030 operator, to set up this international-scale project. The project is structured around three main axes:
Developing the attractiveness of the humanities and social sciences
- Create an attractive undergraduate study programme
Enhance the international attractiveness of the UGA in terms of research through the MaCI to implement the « Excellence in the Humanities programme »
This programme, specifically focused on humanities and social sciences, aims to establish a multigenerational community of researchers with international influence in the fields of arts, humanities, and social sciences within the MaCI, which is to be a centre for the humanities.
The project proposes 3 programmes: funding for Matching PhDs in partnership with an international institution, a fellowship program, and a mobility scheme for outgoing doctoral students and researchers.
►To consult the dates of the GATES programs
Head of the International Excellence in the Humanities Fellowship Programme
GATES MaCI Project coordinator
MaCI Director
Nataliya GRULOIS
MaCI Administrative and financial officer
Stéphane SADOUX
In charge of GATES Partnerships (UK - Europe)
In charge of GATES Partnerships (US - Canada)
Matching PhDs
The GATES/MaCI project plans to fund 8 matching PhDs over a period of 10 years, supplemented by an environmental budget for each thesis. This budget is intended to finance collaborations with international partners involved in the doctoral project (such as travels, seminars, meetings between doctoral candidates/thesis directors, etc.).
The funding proposals for these matching PhDs must be submitted by project leaders applying for the call for projects. The theses will largely take place at the MaCI and will be supervised by staff from a UGA research unit. The collaboration is open to all new partners in the humanities and social sciences, thereby encouraging the development of international partnerships in this field within the MaCI.
The programme is open to researchers of all nationalities who wish to undertake a research project in Humanities and Social Sciences. Two categories of fellowships are offered:
Post-doctoral fellowships - Two-year post-doctoral contracts (3 per year) designed to host young researchers with a Ph.D. whose academic background is international. These researchers are expected to develop original and innovative research in humanities and social sciences. Selected candidates will be recruited at the MaCI to develop their projects and initiatives.
Junior and Senior Research Fellowships - Invited researchers (6 per year) will allow researchers (Junior, Senior, or Distinguished) holding a Ph.D or renowned artists to receive funding (stipend) for a residence at the MaCI for a period from 1 to 10 months. These researchers in humanities and social sciences, must be affiliated to an "international" institution.
Three categories of Fellowships :
The MaCI will support every year three levels of research fellowships:
- Distinguished fellows: international specialists in the field
- Senior research fellows: advanced researchers
- Junior research fellows: exploratory, early career researchers (doctorate awarded less than 10 years ago)
Outgoing mobility - Partnership between UGA and the Maison Française d’Oxford (MFO)
Achieved in October 2022, the partnership with the Maison Française d'Oxford enables doctoral candidates in humanities and social sciences to undertake a stay of 2 weeks to 60 days as part of their research, funded by the GATES project.
Since 2024, the program has been extended to UGA researchers who want to form a pair, with one from the sciences or health disciplines and the other from the humanities and social sciences, to carry out an interdisciplinary research project.
The funding includes:
- Travel expenses up to €150 for the round trip Grenoble-Oxford
Stay expenses up to €100/day
Calendar (2024-2025)
Matching PhDs:
- Applications: 15 November 2024 - 30 January 2025
- Start of thesis: between September and December 2025
Post-doctoral fellowships:
- Applications: 10 March 2025 to 15 May 2025
- Start of the post-doc: between September and December 2025
Junior/Senior Research fellowships:
- Applications: 10 April 2025 to 10 June 2025
- Eligible period of fellowship: between January 2026 and January 2027
UGA/MFO outgoing mobility:
- Applications: from 10 October 2024 to 10 December 2024
- Eligible period of fellowship: between 1st March 2025 to 31 December 2025
Funded by the French government's Programme d'Investissement Avenir and implemented by ANR France 2030
humanitiesfellowshipsuniv-grenoble-alpes.fr (humanitiesfellowships[at]univ-grenoble-alpes[dot]fr)
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