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Clone of Digital Arts Humanities Lab - DAHU

The main aim of the DAHU platform is to provide a space for research and research training in the Digital Humanities, open to all the teams and units on the Grenoble site. It comprises two large working rooms (319 and 320).

•    DAHU, a place to carry out digital humanities research

- Room 320 can be booked for practical workshops, conferences or trainees, and is open to any research project, team or laboratory working on or using Digital Humanities. It is configured to allow both training sessions (with the benefit of 20 computers on which numerous specialised software packages are installed) and working sessions, where everyone has their own laptop (the most common case at present). It can also be used in conference mode, thanks to its video projector, and can host workshops, study days or colloquia for up to 25 people.

- In room 319, since June 2022, DAHU has been home to ELAN@Litt&Arts, a team of five engineers specialising in Digital Humanities and from the Litt&Arts UMR. ELAN already works with other units and teams (including the Italian Collex Fonte Gaia and Digital Humanities supported by the SID (Service Interétablissement de la Documentation – Internal Documentation Service) and the LIDILEM (Laboratoire de linguistique et didactique des langues étrangères et maternelles- Linguistics and Language Didactics Laboratory) with a shared engineer position, and GRICAD through the ExcellenceS GATES project and participation in the UGA's Cellule Data – Data Unit).

•    DAHU, a place for research training

Room 320 can accommodate training courses at all levels from Master's level upwards: training for research staff (researchers, lecturer-researchers, engineers, post-doctoral students, etc.), with an emphasis on doctoral training, Master's courses relating to Digital Humanities, whatever the field. DAHU can take charge - on request - of setting up training courses, either by organising them in-house or by contacting other Digital Humanities players.

For example, ELAN's Digital Humanities specialists have already offered training courses in the creation of digital libraries using Omeka, the encoding of textual data in TEI, the exploration of a corpus of texts using regular expressions, XML technologies, transcription, Open Science, FAIR principles, etc.). The LIDILEM laboratory has competences in text mining and language processing that are useful to many social and human sciences disciplines; Ariane, the PACTE laboratory group of engineers offers a wide range of skills in quantitative and qualitative data; etc.

•    DAHU, a place for disseminating and promoting research

The platform is intended to be a venue for scientific events within the capacity of the room (better suited to workshops or small study days), but by pooling its resources with other parts of the MaCI (including the amphitheatre) it will also be able to host larger events.


DAHU Platform


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The main aim of the DAHU platform is to provide a space for research and research training in the Digital Humanities, open to all the teams and units on the Grenoble site. It comprises two large working rooms (319 and 320).

•    DAHU, a place to carry out digital humanities research

- Room 320 can be booked for practical workshops, conferences or trainees, and is open to any research project, team or laboratory working on or using Digital Humanities. It is configured to allow both training sessions (with the benefit of 20 computers on which numerous specialised software packages are installed) and working sessions, where everyone has their own laptop (the most common case at present). It can also be used in conference mode, thanks to its video projector, and can host workshops, study days or colloquia for up to 25 people.

- In room 319, since June 2022, DAHU has been home to ELAN@Litt&Arts, a team of five engineers specialising in Digital Humanities and from the Litt&Arts UMR. ELAN already works with other units and teams (including the Italian Collex Fonte Gaia and Digital Humanities supported by the SID (Service Interétablissement de la Documentation – Internal Documentation Service) and the LIDILEM (Laboratoire de linguistique et didactique des langues étrangères et maternelles- Linguistics and Language Didactics Laboratory) with a shared engineer position, and GRICAD through the ExcellenceS GATES project and participation in the UGA's Cellule Data – Data Unit).

•    DAHU, a place for research training

Room 320 can accommodate training courses at all levels from Master's level upwards: training for research staff (researchers, lecturer-researchers, engineers, post-doctoral students, etc.), with an emphasis on doctoral training, Master's courses relating to Digital Humanities, whatever the field. DAHU can take charge - on request - of setting up training courses, either by organising them in-house or by contacting other Digital Humanities players.

For example, ELAN's Digital Humanities specialists have already offered training courses in the creation of digital libraries using Omeka, the encoding of textual data in TEI, the exploration of a corpus of texts using regular expressions, XML technologies, transcription, Open Science, FAIR principles, etc.). The LIDILEM laboratory has competences in text mining and language processing that are useful to many social and human sciences disciplines; Ariane, the PACTE laboratory group of engineers offers a wide range of skills in quantitative and qualitative data; etc.

•    DAHU, a place for disseminating and promoting research

The platform is intended to be a venue for scientific events within the capacity of the room (better suited to workshops or small study days), but by pooling its resources with other parts of the MaCI (including the amphitheatre) it will also be able to host larger events.


DAHU Platform


Back to "Our Spaces"

The main aim of the DAHU platform is to provide a space for research and research training in the Digital Humanities, open to all the teams and units on the Grenoble site. It comprises two large working rooms (319 and 320).

•    DAHU, a place to carry out digital humanities research

- Room 320 can be booked for practical workshops, conferences or trainees, and is open to any research project, team or laboratory working on or using Digital Humanities. It is configured to allow both training sessions (with the benefit of 20 computers on which numerous specialised software packages are installed) and working sessions, where everyone has their own laptop (the most common case at present). It can also be used in conference mode, thanks to its video projector, and can host workshops, study days or colloquia for up to 25 people.

- In room 319, since June 2022, DAHU has been home to ELAN@Litt&Arts, a team of five engineers specialising in Digital Humanities and from the Litt&Arts UMR. ELAN already works with other units and teams (including the Italian Collex Fonte Gaia and Digital Humanities supported by the SID (Service Interétablissement de la Documentation – Internal Documentation Service) and the LIDILEM (Laboratoire de linguistique et didactique des langues étrangères et maternelles- Linguistics and Language Didactics Laboratory) with a shared engineer position, and GRICAD through the ExcellenceS GATES project and participation in the UGA's Cellule Data – Data Unit).

•    DAHU, a place for research training

Room 320 can accommodate training courses at all levels from Master's level upwards: training for research staff (researchers, lecturer-researchers, engineers, post-doctoral students, etc.), with an emphasis on doctoral training, Master's courses relating to Digital Humanities, whatever the field. DAHU can take charge - on request - of setting up training courses, either by organising them in-house or by contacting other Digital Humanities players.

For example, ELAN's Digital Humanities specialists have already offered training courses in the creation of digital libraries using Omeka, the encoding of textual data in TEI, the exploration of a corpus of texts using regular expressions, XML technologies, transcription, Open Science, FAIR principles, etc.). The LIDILEM laboratory has competences in text mining and language processing that are useful to many social and human sciences disciplines; Ariane, the PACTE laboratory group of engineers offers a wide range of skills in quantitative and qualitative data; etc.

•    DAHU, a place for disseminating and promoting research

The platform is intended to be a venue for scientific events within the capacity of the room (better suited to workshops or small study days), but by pooling its resources with other parts of the MaCI (including the amphitheatre) it will also be able to host larger events.


DAHU Platform


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Contact (dahu[at]groupes[dot]renater[dot]fr)

Booking (anne[dot]garcia-fernandez[at]univ-grenoble-alpes[dot]fr)

Submitted on 14 September 2023

Updated on 11 July 2024