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GATES Morning talk - Navigating Cyberhate: Insights into Digital Aggression, Risks, and Youth Resilience in Wartime and Beyond

Conférence / Recherche

On 10 December 2024

GATES Morning Talk à la MaCI : Lilia Korol

As part of the GATES project, a morning talk will be presented by Lilia KOROL, Associate Professor at National University of Ostroh Academy (Ukraine) and MaCI Distinguished Research Fellow.

The digital age has revolutionized our lives with countless benefits, yet it has also brought significant challenges, one of the most pressing being cyberhate. This pervasive form of online aggression has far-reaching consequences, particularly for vulnerable populations like youth, impacting their mental health, social well-being, and overall development. In this talk, I’ll unpack the hidden complexities of cyberhate: its risks, ripple effects, and the factors that drive youth involvement. Why are some adolescents more vulnerable than others? How do their online behaviors and parenting strategies either protect or place them at greater risk? I’ll share surprising findings, such as how excessive internet use and restrictive parenting can unintentionally heighten vulnerability, while resilience can be cultivated even in the most difficult circumstances. Focusing on Ukrainian youth, I’ll delve into their dual battles - growing up in a war-torn environment and navigating the hostility of the digital world. Their stories reveal not only the profound impact of cyberhate on their mental health and academic success but also their remarkable strength and resilience. Drawing on emerging data and offering practical takeaways, this talk will inspire educators, policymakers, and parents to create safer and more supportive digital spaces. Join me to explore the intricate web of cyberhate and celebrate the resilience of youth in wartime and beyond.

Lilia KOROL is a social science scholar, educational and developmental psychologist, and migration expert with almost two decades of teaching and research experience. She holds a permanent position as an Associate Professor of Psycholgy at the National University of Ostroh Academy in Ukraine.

Funded by the French government's Programme d'Investissement Avenir and implemented by ANR France 2030


On 10 December 2024
Complément date

9:30 am - 10:30 am


Complément lieu

Maison de la Création et de l'Innovation
Room 204 (Second Floor)
Zoom : Link
Station Gabriel Fauré - MUSE


Free admission subject to availability

Contact (humanitiesfellowships[at]univ-grenoble-alpes[dot]fr)

Submitted on 28 November 2024

Updated on 4 December 2024